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10 Best YA Mystery books to keep you guessing until the very end!
I've decided to do a whole series entitled "10 Best" to help readers find something special to read. Not all the recommendati

Wanted, Book 1 of The Chase Ryder Series is a BEST SELLER, plus how I wrote my most personal story a
For those who have signed up because they are interested in screenwriting - this should prove an educational read, not least because this is

I've published again! And some exciting news for WANTED fans.
I'm currently brainstorming book 2 and book 3 of Wanted which I'm super pumped by. Many of you said you wanted more of Chase, Sully

What will you read next? QUIZ & GIVEAWAY!
Do you like reading awesome books? Do you like winning even awesomer stuff? Then keep reading! Hopefully like the team at Ho Towers,...

How I ended up working for some of the biggest film and television agents in London.
This is the second part of a blog entry, where I'll reveal how I ended up working for the agents who rep some of the most acclaimed...

You want free books? Well how's over 100 of them?! It's a sci-fi & fantasy book giveawa
People, I'm excited just to tell you this, but along with some 100 other authors, I've joined up to the awesome Patty Jansen's gigantic...

How I got Miramax Studios to consider my screenplay as a newbie, unagented screenwriter
One of the questions I get asked the most from aspiring screenwriters is: "how can I get my script in the hands of decision makers as a

First reviews are in and... Wanted gets 5 STARS and is compared to the best-selling Maximum Ride boo
Hi everyone! It's been a few weeks since the Instafreebie giveaway - hopefully you've all had a chance to read the first few chapters of...

FREEBIE ALERT! Win the first few chapters of my debut novel, Young Adult thriller, WANTED!
Hello there, blogverse! It's been a whole big while since I've last blogged, and for that, I'm truly sorry. Let's just say, life got in...

My updated blog has a new home and you're all invited to the housewarming party!
Dear People of the virtual world! Yes, while I have committed the cardinal sin of not updating my blog for a while, I have now moved it...
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