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Behind-the-scenes pictures from Spirit Warriors

It's been a frantic last couple of weeks with things heating up on a few of my projects. Something had to give and naturally it was this blog.

When I first set this up I was hoping to update it every fri but have failed hopelessly! Thank God I'm much better with my work deadlines...

I took a poll recently on Twitter to see how many of you would like a post detailing how I've gone about brainstorming and writing my new project - a US based genre show - and the response was far greater than I had anticipated. It will be my next post (just as soon as I find some time to write it), in the meantime, here are some behind-the-scenes pictures from Spirit Warriors that I promised y'all a couple of weeks back.

Such fond memories...

Jo xx

This was the moment it really sank in. We were filming my TV series!

Our fantastic lead and a good friend of mine, Jessica Henwick who played "Bo" in her first TV role. You may recognize her as Nymeria Sand in GAME OF THRONES, Colleen Wing from Marvels/Netflix's IRON FIST, or at the first female pilot in STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS!

The ever brilliant Benedict Wong as evil warlord, Li.

Gilles Geary as Trix

Rapper L'il Simz as Vicky

Karl Rogers as Martin with Tom Wu who played Hwang

Tom's a fantastic martial artist

The beautiful Daphne Cheung as Bo and Jen's mum, Fei-Yan

Killing time with rock, paper, scissors

Taking five

Set: Li's Palace

XL Bamboo


Stunts and blue screen


Evil dead, 12 'o' clock!

Sumptuous lighting by our DOP, Mike Spragg

Waiting around...

Where the magic happens

XL Spear

Warrior Exhibit

Exhibit extras

Cool gear

The heart of the show

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